BTS Trilogy Part 1: Rebranding – An Unexpected Journey…

As is the case for many of us, 2020 has to go down as one of the most pivotal years in BTS’s history. As the celebrations marked the arrival of 2020, Luiza was at a Venetian masked dinner with her adored mum and Jeff was watching fireworks by a beach on the outskirts of Barcelona. Fast forward a few short months and we all found ourselves in un-charted territory in something called ‘lockdown’, a term that meant nothing to most of us at the start of the year. This saw Luiza working from home, with the cats stepping on her keyboard to ‘help’, and Jeff trapped in an Air BNB in Manchester with all flights home cancelled for 4 months.

This strange new lockdown world brought some unexpected challenges and opportunities. For the first time in years, the team at BTS had time to look inward at our proposition, what it encompassed and where it was going.

We realised a stark fact. We had been so busy delivering weekly R0 support to our key customers that we had lost focus on developing the company and its media presence, including the BTS website, our LinkedIn profile, and our R0 offering. We needed to take stock and study the map…

BTS are R0 exam experts, and have never tried to be anything else. We have developed our materials and grown our team of trusted BTS Associates over 16 years in business. It’s this core team who have developed our R0 support materials ‘in-house’ with Jeff and Luiza at the helm. This includes the BTS study guides, workshop materials and R0 study buddy App.

The integrity of what we provide to our clients is important to us. We have never trusted anyone outside the team to develop our materials, so have never outsourced the work, and we haven’t bought a company and all their materials. We have developed our offering using our training and exam experiences, plus the experiences of the thousands of candidates we have supported.

This is hugely important, but the un-planned pause in the journey gave us time to realise that this approach, on its own, was not enough. Many of our students had told us that, initially, they had never heard of BTS, and one phrase we heard more than once was that BTS are ‘the regulated world’s best kept secret’. This is not something that we are aiming for!

It’s time for BTS to stop looking inward and, instead, start telling the world what we offer.

We are starting with a complete rebrand of BTS and how we present ourselves to the regulated world. We will be keeping all the amazing things that provide support to companies and candidates, on the basis that ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’, but becoming much smarter and slicker in the way we work with clients and how we communicate with the world.


In the coming weeks and months we will unveil lots of exciting new BTS developments. The goal: to make it crystal clear to current and future clients how BTS can support you or your colleagues on your own R0 journey towards attaining level 4.



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