Continuing the R01 success rates

BTS have just completed another R01 workshop for six Edinburgh students. All were sitting their R01 exam within a few weeks of the workshop and were concerned about retaining knowledge in subject areas that were… a tad dull! The R01 financial services, regulation and ethics exam is not getting any easier. Pass-rates country wide remain […]

What are R0 students supposed to do?

We have just found out that the Chartered Insurance Institute have made the decision that, from 2018, they will no longer offer R0 workshops to the general market for candidates who are studying for these exams.   This means that the qualifications that involve such a commitment in terms of study time, question practice, and […]

R05 Workshop Results and Student Feedback

BTS have just run a RO5 workshop for one of our Wealth Management clients. This involved an action-packed two-day workshop facilitated in London. The attendees were mainly second careerists with little or no financial services experience. This workshop was full to brimming with relevant theories and practice, lots of handouts, including one page ‘crib-sheets’ for […]

What is in store in 2018 for those studying for CII exams?

An update from Luiza Todd The dust has now settled on the news that the Chartered Insurance Institute are no longer running ‘in-house’ exam revision workshops. This still feels like such a strange decision for an examining body to make. I cannot believe that there is not still a huge appetite for R0 exam support […]

The ‘Best Kept Secret’ succeeds again.

BTS recently ran an open workshop for R06, which was attended by delegates who had no previous experience of BTS.  One comment that made us think, was made by a student who had sat a few R0 exams. The lady concerned shared how, during pre-exam discussions, she had often heard of BTS from other candidates. They gave […]

Feedback from delegates on our April R06 Workshop

BTS facilitated an RO6 workshop for attendees nationally in advance of the April 2017 sitting. Students came from a number of different companies with a range of different experiences. Two days were spent looking at the exam case studies, talking about required question answering techniques and practising exam style questions. Time was also spent on […]


For many, taking the Level 4 Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning can be a daunting undertaking. Throughout 2017 we are likely to see higher numbers of new candidates taking the Level 4 qualifications than at any other time in the last 4 years as new financial adviser Apprenticeship programmes get underway. This is in addition […]

An excellent pass rate, and some positive feedback from our students…

BTS have just finished delivering a two day R01 workshop for five London students. All were sitting their R01 exam within a few weeks of the end of the workshop, and were concerned about knowledge levels and their ability to pass the exam. Their concerns are not unreasonable. The R01 financial services, regulation and ethics […]

Bridging the Succession Gap

Much has been written about the current demographic challenges facing the Financial Services Profession. We know that there is an ageing adviser population with the average age of an adviser estimated to be north of fifty, and survey after survey stating that at least one third of advisers are looking to retire in the next […]


According to recent findings from research provider Platforum, advisers are not using long-term cashflow planning with enough of their clients, both ‘at retirement’ and ‘on a regular basis’ once clients have retired. Long-term cashflow planning should be at the heart of retirement and in-retirement advice. It also makes a lot of sense in the accumulation […]