R06 Workshops for 2021
Get ready for the first R06 sitting of 2021 with a two-day remote webinar with BTS Work with our R0 expert to explore model questions and answers and practise key R06 exam techniques using technical knowledge, to give you the best chance of an exam pass. The R06 remote workshop concentrates on the key exam […]
5 Tips for Finding the Right Support for R0 Exams

BTS are in the financial press again, with one of our directors, Luiza Todd, leading the way in championing students’ right to choose in terms of both their learning materials and provider. And some top tips on what to look out for. You can find this article in Professional Paraplanner: Professional Paraplanner | 5 tips […]
Three essential tips to pass the R06 Financial Planning Practice exam
Following the results from the February 2021 R06 sitting we have dusted off our keyboard again in relation to the Financial Planning Practice exam. Reflections from the February 2021 sitting Some of our candidates achieved amazing marks. 116 (a distinction) was the highest mark amongst our students. For many this was the last paper to […]
Top Tips for Sitting a PSI Remote Invigilated CII Exam

Top Tips for Sitting a CII/PSI Remote Invigilated Exam BTS Director Luiza Todd shares some top tips for sitting remote CII exams using the PSI invigilation system. Continuing her series of articles for Professional Paraplanner, BTS’ Luiza Todd offers some advice from her first-hand experience of sitting remote exams over the past year. BTS sit […]
How BTS e-Learning can help you achieve an R01 pass
There’s no getting away from it, the R01 financial services, regulation and ethics unit isn’t the most exciting! This is one of the reasons some candidates find it tricky to achieve an R01 pass. If you’re studying from the CII manual you will most likely be finding it pretty heavy going, and you’re not alone. […]
R06: The exam centre experience & what to expect
Sitting your exams in an exam centre and want to know what this is like under current and potentially ongoing restrictions? Luiza Todd, BTS Director, penned an article in this week’s Professional Paraplanner about her own recent exam centre experience. It might surprise you to hear that our directors sit the exams too, after all, […]
BTS/PFS collaborative exam support success!

Six months ago, BTS teamed up with the Personal Finance Society, supported by the Insurance Institutes of Leicester and Nottingham, to offer accessible R0 workshops that were both affordable and convenient for candidates. The programme focused on the subjects members historically find the most difficult; R01 Financial services, regulation and compliance, R02 Investment and risk, R03 […]
What should candidates know about the PSI remote invigilated CII exams? BTS talks to the Financial Planner Life Podcast

BTS are delighted to share that we have been working on an exciting new collaborative project with Financial Planner Life, producers of the popular Financial Planner Life Podcast. In the first of a series of short interviews, Luiza Todd, one of the BTS directors and founders of the company, talks about her recent experience of […]
What is the best order to sit the CII R0 exams in?

BTS Director, Luiza joined Sam from the Financial Planner Life Podcast to discuss the popular question – What is the best order to sit the CII R0 exams in? In the video, Sam asks some of the common questions that come in from candidates about the best order to sit the exams in. 1. Is […]
How to pass the CII R03: Tips for calculation questions
The CII R03 exam is far more than a test of your knowledge of the subject. You need to have a really good base knowledge that you will then apply in different ways. With 50 exam questions to complete in 60 minutes, many of which are calculation based, this can be a really challenging paper. […]