The ‘Best Kept Secret’ succeeds again.
BTS recently ran an open workshop for R06, which was attended by delegates who had no previous experience of BTS. One comment that made us think, was made by a student who had sat a few R0 exams. The lady concerned shared how, during pre-exam discussions, she had often heard of BTS from other candidates. They gave […]
Feedback from delegates on our April R06 Workshop
BTS facilitated an RO6 workshop for attendees nationally in advance of the April 2017 sitting. Students came from a number of different companies with a range of different experiences. Two days were spent looking at the exam case studies, talking about required question answering techniques and practising exam style questions. Time was also spent on […]
Continuing the R01 success rates
BTS have just completed another R01 workshop for six Edinburgh students. All were sitting their R01 exam within a few weeks of the workshop and were concerned about retaining knowledge in subject areas that were… a tad dull! The R01 financial services, regulation and ethics exam is not getting any easier. Pass-rates country wide remain […]
Well, a group of BTS students have finally done it! In a CII R0 exam that has countrywide pass-rates of 57.92%, by hard work and using BTS support, a group of students have achieved the unheard of – a 100% pass-rate!!! Our group of R02 students were 16 second careerists with little or no financial services background. […]
What are the BTS e-Learning modules like?

Feedback from our pilot group BTS eLearning modules are like nothing you will have encountered before (in a good way hopefully!). As you would expect we have put our e-Learning modules through user acceptance testing with pilot groups to check how they work, to iron out any issues and to ensure they are pitched at […]
What are the BTS e-Learning modules like?